We all have creative inside of us. We all do not know what it is. That’s the goal, find your creative, find what makes your work yours and no one else’s, and put it into everything you are doing. Your Creative Flow is what will differentiate you from everyone else, but you have to invest the time to find it and have the patience and commitment to put it into the work that you do.

Everything requires maintenance. Including your Career. And if you’re not maintaining any of it, you’re not building it, expanding it, and taking it as far as it can go. Do courses that excite you. Watch videos that interest you. If you leave it up to someone else, they’ll simply provide you with a book that tells you when to do something (but not push you to do it).

We’re at the beginning of AI… We have to ask for work to get done. We have to review what gets done. You can’t take what AI gives you and run with it without checking it over, it needs you to do that, you are the one who is going to take what AI is giving you and make it better. I know I have to dig more into AI, to see how it can…

If you’re not getting selected. If you’re not getting the opportunities you want. If you find yourself lacking. The only way to get there is to train better – whatever that better is, it’s the only way. And only you can do it.

The unreported bugs are the worst bugs ar the worst ones of them all. We know they exist, but we don’t want to work on them. We know how bad they are, but we don’t want to test them. They are bigger and of grander scale than anything we have ever seen that resides in our heads but yet we have never done anything with them. We make them so big that they cannot be…