Ask. And mean it, “Tell me what you think, is it garbage?  Is it good?  Is it a mess?  Does it do what you want it to do?” We use to invite users to come to our offices to try out new versions of our products. Users, in our offices. No remote or virtual calls, in-person connections where we saw their faces scrunch up at a horribly implemented feature. And then we’d go out to…

Anything can, might and will happen. But if it’s not what you want to happen, then having the mindset of “Not Today…” will help you get there. It might still happen, but the impact on you will be less, it will not hold you back. What you are saying “Not Today…” to isn’t that it will happen, but that it will not stop you.

The final “chance” you have of keeping a customer is defined by how hard you make it for them to switch services. Make it a pain, and you are fueling them, pushing them away faster then they might want to go. Make it simple, you give them a second to pause, maybe I can work with this, maybe I can figure it out, maybe they aren’t so bad. It’s up to you, how much do…

It’s not what it once was. It’s a different experience now. Before, theatres competed with 32″ tube screens, now they compete with 50″ screens with surround sound systems, that allow pausing of the film to get the best treat you can make for much less. And yet, so much goes into building and creating these movies, that one that makes $50 million is considered a flop (even though it might be great). The problem movies…

Teams are about picking the right people. Not always the best, but the right. With the right people, the team can do anything. With the wrong, they will never rise above where they are. What goes into being the right people – so much, and it’s different wherever you go but at its core – they have to be willing to change, to grow, to know when to lead and when to team and lastly…