The unsolvables are that elite, crack unit of bugs that no one wants to touch. They are the bugs that stay on the pile, rarely moving, until someone picks it up for a day, spends a few hours on it, and then turfs it back to the pile. They are the cold cases that get pushed out every sprint for something cooler, better, and more direct in their solvability. They will leave you lost, dazed,…
It’s the little bugs that hold you back, not the big ones. The big ones, everyone jumps onto, everyone knows what they are about, it’s crystal clear what the problem is and how to solve it. But the little bugs, those are the blisters on your software, that prick you when you turn the wrong way, that itch, that irritate, you have no idea how they got there or what happened – but they are…
Whatever you’re doing during the day, whatever you’re creating, you need an outlet to everything else not related to it that is not paid for. You need a creative outlet that keeps that great work going – whether it be in art, code, writing, basket weaving, quilting, etc, etc – you need that outlet. That outlet is what will keep you growing and keep opening your mind to new ideas. Find it, don’t sell it,…
There is an expression in many sports – “Let the thing do the work”. The thing being the ball, the puck, the ring, etc, etc. The idea behind is that you don’t have to do it all, you don’t have to hold onto everything so tight, you give it a push in the right direction and see where it goes. The same applies to your work, let your work do the work – don’t get…
Who knew that a movie made in 1977 would become a cultural lexicon and occupy it’s own day in the calendar year where we all go around saying – “May the Forth be with you?” We never knew. Who knows what your idea might take on if you put code to a keyboard, pencil to paper, or words to a book? Who knows?