Or fear of what the blank page might render to you? Better to look at something that is a mess, doesn’t look right, or feels off, then nothing at all.
If everything around you is based upon the perfect conditions unfolding. It will never happen. Find a problem, build a solution, in the worst of conditions. Then you’ll know it can survive the worst of it and still be successful.
Plans only work if you can keep implementing them. If you’re constantly re-iterating them, always rebuilding them, disrupting them like they never existed… well then they aren’t plans. There just… what was written down today, for you to maybe consider looking at tomorrow but there is no need to follow or adhere to them.
When you’re doing the work you love, you don’t need breaks. The work flows, it pours from your fingertips. Whether it involves meetings, discussions, or work. It flows. There is no need for breaks. But when you don’t enjoy the work, you might find you’re taking more breaks than normal – maybe because you’re bored, not happy, challenged or fulfilled – but you find yourself taking more breaks. And then nothing gets done.
When starting a new project it’s almost as though you need someone standing over your shoulder going – “Smaller”. And then you make things a bit smaller. And then they say – “Focus it down more” And then you focus your intent a bit more. And then they say – “Get rid of the extra and minimize it.” And then you take away all the bells and whistles. And then they say – “What’s left…