When things go wrong, there are three things you need to do. Reset – it is what it is, let it go. Regroup – get everyone back on the same page, forget what happened, get them focused on where they need to be. Relaunch – Push forward once again. Many teams get hung up on Reset, they can’t let it go, they refuse to let it go, and they never get the chance to regroup…

I do everything by way of the Internet. Very little I do does not require the cloud or internet or need to be synced up once back online. Writing Blogs, Writing Articles, connecting to cloud services, writing code, combing discussion forums, finding inspiration, all of it – requires a connection. Going offline is not as easy as it once was where I could take a high-powered laptop, load it up with Virtual Images, and work…

After you ship, after you deliver, after you have the moment of “I did it”, there is a time for taking a break and patting yourself on the back. You did it. You got here. You survived. But don’t rest too long, don’t rest on those laurels too long, otherwise you won’t get back to doing what needs to be done. Which is finding the next Ship.

Take as long as you need. But get there. If you’re not planning on getting there, abandon it. There are things that have a time crunch on them, figure out if it’s for you or not (perhaps it’s not). That’s okay. What isn’t okay is rushing to get things done and making a mess of it.

Writing everything down makes any problem easier. I don’t know what our brains were designed for, but when it comes to writing down thoughts, ideas, concepts, blog ideas, stories, books, articles, plays, coding ideas, dilemmas, etc, etc. They improve 1000x once I write it down, it’s as though I’ve offloaded the thought of the problem to somewhere else, and now I start working on the problem at hand. (Also a great way to remember things).